Prior to construction, the NJEDA established the NJWP Diversity and Local Engagement Advisory Committee. Comprised of more than 80 members representing the faith community, diverse chambers of commerce, the business community, educators and elected officials, the committee is an important mechanism to ensure the community is part of the project. With construction now well underway, the committee meets quarterly and is an important forum for airing community concerns, sharing information on job opportunities, upcoming construction opportunities and ensuring that all stakeholders are kept informed about the project.
Through its Wind Institute, educational opportunities are made available to educators and NJWP staff regularly engage in career fairs and STEM events throughout southern New Jersey. Additionally, NJWP staff participate in local events throughout the area helping to raise awareness about the benefits of offshore wind and the economic opportunities it presents.

Wind technician training with Rowan College of South Jersey

Trade career courses in Camden, Gloucester, and Salem County

Credential training with Atlantic Cape Community College

Funding to develop OSW workforce training programs with a focus on NJ Overburdened Communities